About Me

Tony Andriacchi has made his indelible mark on the music scene opening for Tony Bennett, headlining all over the U.S., and performing to sold out houses at the Ravinia Festival, and NY's Lincoln Center. With his silky smooth baritone, Andriacchi has the media abuzz. Critics from NY, L.A, Chicago and around the country exclaim "His intimate performances are riveting," "Singing Sensation," "Amazing! Among the great singers in the country," "A winner," "The Man Can Sing," "A TON of Talent," "Some of the best vocal chops I've heard, EVER!" Whether listening to Tony's CD, "At Long Last" or hearing him live, you will agree, music and Tony Andriacchi, like the song says - go together like notes in a measure!



I must be getting old. I forgot about my blog! A friend of mine, Jeff Conrad, suggested the idea of having a blog a few weeks back, and I remembered, I already have one. LOL

BUT, it was a mess. So Jeff offered to clean the page up, and give it some assemblance of organization. So, here it is,(drum roll) my newly designed web page! THANKS, JEFF!

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